• Hugo’s Story

    Flying High

    So another big day has arrived.  We were heading up to GOSH where they would give us the results of Hugo’s MRD test.  The result that would tell us if he’d achieved remission.  Whether he would be classed as low…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Trust in Us

    Since this journey began, many people have told me how well I’m doing, how well I’m coping.  I know they mean well and I view it as a compliment that people think I’m doing well.  It gives me comfort that…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Beginnings and Endings

    The big day had arrived, my little brother was getting married!  Hugo was well enough for me to feel comfortable leaving him, so I put on my frock, glammed myself up, then Henry, my gorgeous date for the day, and…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Minimal Residual Disease

    Today saw another trip to GOSH for Hugo, myself, and Richard, and another sleepover for Henry.  Hugo was having a dose of chemotherapy and a bone marrow aspirate.  These are not new for Hugo but today was different, today was…

  • Hugo’s Story

    Baby Steps

    Summer is well and truly upon us, even if in true British style, the weather is less than sunny. We were supposed to be on holiday this week.  We’d been due to stay in a converted barn on a farm…

  • Hugo’s Story

    The Guilt and the Fog

    Today I went for a haircut.  It’s my brother’s wedding in 3 weeks and I’m very much hoping to make it.  I wanted to hide the grey, of which I’m sure there is more of since this journey began.  I…

  • Hugo’s Story

    A Week in the Life

    This past week has seen us back at GOSH, this time Hugo was an outpatient on Safari ward.  He was in for another bone marrow aspirate and some vincristine administered through wiggly. Hugo was on the morning theatre list which…

  • Hugo’s Story

    What If?

    The weather has been warm and the boys had a great time out in the garden this weekend.  Henry in the paddling pool and a still non-walking Hugo sitting in a garden chair playing with toys. Bubble fun in the…