Shop Kind Club

A Little Idea

I’ve had a little idea.

A small seed of an idea planted itself in my head. This is nothing unusual for me, I have lots of ideas, dreams and plans. The usual pattern is that I have an idea. I dream, plan, organise and probably write a list or two. Then I start to overthink it. I imagine all the ways it could go wrong, think of all the negative things people could say and start to question whether it’s really a good idea after all. After a while I come to the conclusion that it either wasn’t a good idea, or that I’m just not up to the job. I get caught in a cycle of being forever the planner and never the doer.

I want this time to be different, so I’m kind of jumping in with both feet a little. Trying to start before I get to the overthinking part. Telling myself that a fear of failure shouldn’t stop me from having a go. That it doesn’t matter what other people think. Trying to believe in myself, to trust that I am capable of this. That this little idea, this little seed could grow into something wonderful.

My intentions are good. I’m doing it simply because I enjoy it and I think it could help others. I think it could be fun!

So, I’m putting it out there. The #ShopKindClub is coming soon!